Charters have had the same issues as districts in reopening school buildings. It's unsafe to reopen amid high spread. @KenyaBradshaw @karinchenoweth @selmekki @ConorPWilliams @DataDrivenMD @MaggieEThornton @marcportermagee @jacobwaters @lutzfernandez
Black and Brown families are also uninterested in risking their children's lives or their own. Learning loss isn't equivalent to loss of life. @KenyaBradshaw @karinchenoweth @selmekki @ConorPWilliams @DataDrivenMD @MaggieEThornton @marcportermagee @jacobwaters @lutzfernandez
BTW One move preschools and K-12 schools have done is shut down classrooms when positive cases have been found. But... @KenyaBradshaw @karinchenoweth @selmekki @ConorPWilliams @DataDrivenMD @MaggieEThornton @marcportermagee @jacobwaters @lutzfernandez
Meanwhile White folks demanding the reopening of school buildings never consider what Black and Brown folks experience. @KenyaBradshaw @karinchenoweth @selmekki @ConorPWilliams @DataDrivenMD @MaggieEThornton @marcportermagee @jacobwaters @lutzfernandez
All arguments are 'dangerous' to reopeners when the arguments challenge their priors. @KenyaBradshaw @karinchenoweth @selmekki @ConorPWilliams @DataDrivenMD @MaggieEThornton @marcportermagee @jacobwaters @lutzfernandez
Meanwhile in Tennessee...
Meanwhile in Florida: Jeb Bush's group is pushing vouchers and vouchers and more vouchers. Nothing about keeping families safe during the pandemic.
Which matters because COVID is a killer right now.
Thirteen percent of kids age 2-to-10 and 15 percent of youth age 12-to-17 have long-term impacts from COVID infection.
This is for the U.K., by the way. The U.S. hasn't come up with such data. For reasons. Mentioning that long-term damage from COVID is a thing is still something folks don't want to discuss honestly.
This reminder...
Also: We can't just focus on vaccinating adults. We must vaccinate kids - and do so quickly for many reasons (including those COVID variants that are hitting kids hard).
We must also prioritize vaccinations for Black and Brown communities hit hardest by COVID. But White folks have opposed this for reasons. The latest example: Texas.
Back to Chicago, where CTU raises more valid points...
Meanwhile in Maryland, the governor there threatens to withhold money and teachers' licenses (none of which he can actually do) if districts don't reopen school buildings.
By the way: The infection rate in Maryland is now around 6 percent statewide and trending upward. In Prince George's County, it's 11 percent and 5.6 percent for Baltimore City.

Hogan, by the way, has refused to shut down restaurants and bars to bring down community spread.
Baltimore could make the case that it is reducing infection rates enough to eventually reopen school buildings safely. Though as @BmoreDoc and others have noted, Black folks and city councilpeople oppose reopening because they don't trust that the district will keep kids safe.
But this isn't true for many other parts of the state, and so, Hogan's demand comes off as reckless and all about his potential run for the Republican presidential nomination in the next three years.
This part, too. The failure of the majority of White folks to be in community and make communal decisions with Black and Brown folks affected most disparately is the main reason why we are in this hellscape now.
There are those who think people who are pushing for safe reopening of school buildings are being Pollyannaish, that is, there will never be an ideal situation to reopen school buildings, and therefore, just reopen and be done with it. That has to be acknowledged.
From where they sit, it will take forever to bring down infection rates and the federal government will never provide enough money, either to fund safe reopening or to supply pandemic aid to keep restaurants closed without impoverishing entire populations.
They will point out that, sure, the nation's material security framework has always been a mess and it is the underlying reason why reopening school buildings is a difficult task, why restaurants won't shut down and why women (and men) are exhausted from 24/7 child-raising...
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