1/ Hello farmers! đź‘‹ The algo-stablecoin trend is not weakening but is only moving forward. As we know, some algorithmic stablecoins failed their strategies, and only the best designed projects are staying credible and managing to stand firm on the volatile Defi market.
2/ I am glad to present you the @vtdfinance protocol and explain how it differs from other protocols. It belongs to a new category - “Algorithmic Convergence Coin”. Let’s go to business👇
3/ It would be great to take $DSD as a basic example, taking into account that Variable Time Dollar is a fork of $DSD, which in its turn is a fork of $ESD. So let’s check the main differences ⚖️
4/ Dynamic epoch lengths ⏱
The VTD protocol has dynamic epoch lengths of between 2–6 hours. How does it work? - here is a simple explanation taken from the VTD official Medium page:
5/ “As VTD comes out of a debt cycle and into expansion, it would likely start at shorter epoch periods, close to the two-hour range. With shorter epoch periods, VTD will expand the supply as fast as DSD as it comes out of the debt cycle.”
6/ “This will enable the protocol to clear the debt owed to coupon holders quickly. However, as debt is cleared, the algorithm will slow down the rate of expansion by increasing epoch lengths (up to six hours).”
7/ “Note that this is similar to how the US Federal Reserve restricts the growth of money supply in periods of strong economic growth in order to smooth out volatility. Later, when the price of VTD again moves below its peg, the algorithm will reduce the length of epoch periods.”
8/ “This will increase the speed at which debt is issued, pushing the price back towards its peg at a faster rate. The result will be a more stable asset, which is the goal.”
9/ Note: The supply expansion can start and the reward distribution can happen if TWAP is higher than $1. If TWAP is below $1, the supply contracts and no rewards are given to users.
10/ What about the coupon system and a phase where TWAP is below $1? “In VTD’s floating peg mechanics, an increase in price from 50 cents to 90 cents will automatically send VTD into expansion and reward protocol bonders.”
11/ “There’s no need for intensive capital to pump the token above $1 and maintain it. The act of buying from scalpers or participants will send the protocol into expansion, rewarding those who believe in the project.” 💸💸💸
12/ Note: coupons still expire after 30 days or 180 epochs.
13/ New feature: Anti-bot Advance Function 🚫🤖
“To increase fairness for the Advance function, VTD integrates a randomizing delay to the timing of when the Advance function can be called (up to 2 minutes).”
14/ “While bots could continuously call for up to 2 minutes following the turn of an epoch, the additional gas costs will discourage them from doing so.”
15/ Here is an instruction on how to participate. First, you need to know that the DAO / LP reward split is 70% / 30% in the VTD protocol. ⚖️
16/ How to stake in DAO?
1. Go to the VTD DAO wallet page: link;

2. Click “Bond/Unbond” to open the menu;

3. Click “Approve” to allow DAO to interact with your VTD.

4. Enter the amount of VTD into the Staging box (or click max). Click “Staging”, approve the transaction.
5. After staging successfully, enter the amount of VTD into the Bonding box (or click max), then click the “Bonding” button and approve the transaction. Wait for the transaction to complete. When that transaction goes through, your VTD will be bonded to the DAO.
19/ Enter the amount of Uniswap LP tokens into the Staging box (or click max), then click the “Staging” button and approve the transaction. Wait for the transaction to go through.
20/ After staging successfully, enter the amount of Uniswap LP tokens into the Bonding box (or click max), then click the “Bonding” button and approve the transaction. Wait for the transaction to complete. When that transaction clears, your LP tokens will be bonded.
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