Last week, I posted some results from the ISCAP general-population panel showing a 2016-2020 pro-Trump shift among English-speaking Latino respondents--but no corresponding shift in partisanship.

I now have some new results on this to share...

With respect to levels, it's key to note that English-speaking Latinos in that general-population panel were markedly cooler on Trump even in October '20 than White Americans--36 vs. 48 on a 0-100 scale.

Still, with @EfrenPoliPsy and @cherylrkaiser, I collected additional panel data 2016-2018 via GfK/Ipsos tracking a different, population-based sample of Asian Americans and Latinos. This panel includes interviews in English and Spanish.

Are there shifts in 2016-18?

Short answer: yes.

In our 2016 waves, Latino respondents surveyed in Spanish were *much* cooler on Trump than either Asian American respondents or Latino respondents answering in English.

But by October 2018, the gap is gone. Still net negative, but not by as much.

Even 2016-18, views on Trump soften among our Latino respondents surveyed in Spanish.

Note, there is little comparable movement in party identification.

So the shift--whether driven by incumbency, changing salience of immigration, other factors--may be Trump-specific.

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