Chairman Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) said he's "delighted" that Buttigieg is the first of Biden's nominees the committee will consider.

Says Buttigieg has "Impressive credentials that demonstrate his intellect and commitment to serving our nation."
Buttigieg starts off by introducing his husband @Chasten who is sitting just behind him.

"I'm really proud to have him by my side," Pete Buttigieg said.

He stands to become the first gay cabinet member confirmed by the senate.
Buttigieg: "The chance to lead this department at this historic moment is not one I take lightly."
Sen. Wicker starts it off with some train chat, inviting Buttigieg to come to Mississipi where he's trying to restart a gulf coast rail route.

Buttigieg: "I think Americans ought to be able to enjoy the highest standard of passenger rail service."
Buttigieg basically punts on the knottiest question: how to fund all this proposed infrastructure spending.

"There are a lot of conversations that still need to happen," he said.
As a presidential candidate Buttigieg sounded pretty keen on a new kind of tax that would charge people for how far they drive rather than how much gas they consume.

Now says only that the highway fund needs to get "sustainable and predictable" funding.
Sen. John Thune (R-SD) says there has to be a way to pay for infrastructure investments. Notes that another committee unanimously approved a bill that raised highway spending 28 percent, but they didn't have to say how to finance it because that's another committee's job...
Buttigieg again mentions need for streets to serve people in and out of cars, and the need to put money behind those kinds of designs.

"Often we've had an autocentric view that has forgotten historically about all the other different modes," he said.
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) asks about Trump administration moves to preempt state rest rules when it comes to truck drivers in the name of consistency. But it wasn't popular with safety groups and the Teamsters.

Buttigieg says he needs to look into it further.
Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) asks Buttigieg about policy on automated vehicles, saying there needs to be regulatory flexibility.

"In many ways policy has not kept up," Buttigieg said, but no real details.
Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) calls on Buttigieg to use his position to "clarify that the objective here is to get people where they need to go, not to always to think of widening the aperture through which the maximum number of cars can move at the maximum speed."
First real confrontation in this hearing when Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) asks about Biden's order halting the Keystone XL pipeline and what that means for job losses.

Buttigieg said the president kept a promise and that fighting climate change will ultimately create jobs.
Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) asks Buttigieg directly whether he supports raising the gas tax. Gets a bit more out of him, with Buttigieg saying it could be raised and tied to inflation and that vehicle miles traveled tax could be option longer term.
Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) says he's back for his first in person hearing since the pandemic started. Effusively praises Buttigieg: "You have put on a clinic on how a nominee should work and act."
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) also confronts Buttigieg over the Keystone pipeline order: "What do you say to those workers whose jobs have just been eliminated by presidential edict?"

Buttigieg: "Getting this right means ensuring there are more good paying union jobs."
Buttigieg tells Cruz what he sees as the stakes on limiting exploitation of fossil fuels: "When the books are written about our careers one of the main things we'll be judged on is whether we did enough to stop the destruction of life and property due to climate change."
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.) mentioned the Corridor H highway project.

Incredibly, it's a bike route. Nevermind complete streets, here's, um, a complete highway.
And that's it for Buttigieg's confirmation hearing.

No real fireworks but it was a decent survey of what we can expect from the new administration as it gets to work.
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