On the 24/11 CMO McBride told the BBC there'd been "some sizeable [COVID] outbreaks associated with gyms". I wrote to McBride seeking evidence of his claim on the 4/12. Today is 21/1, after 3 promises I'd receive the evidence, it never materialised. I submitted a FOI on 15/1/21.
Recall that two separate sources informed us that no such evidence exists. https://twitter.com/PhilipWatson_/status/1345502603103371268?s=20
If evidence does exist, you'd assume it would have been presented to the public. I must also allow for the possibility that McBride may be playing hardball with me. This is why it's important I publicise my efforts, as the evidence belongs to the people of NI, not to me.
I made the likes of Stephen Nolan aware of my efforts and the results of my work and asked that he help the people of NI get answers from McBride. I never heard anything back. A grand total of 0 journalists have shown any interest in the story.
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