There needs to be a mass movement of political maturation. People are obviously encouraged to move at the pace which best suits them, but it is concerning, to say the least, that people closer to 40 are still impressed by political pageantry over policy.
Now what pace is that? Progress is all but stalled when you’re more agitated by the truth than the lies you’ve been led to believe and repeat about misleadership in this country.
Perhaps you aren’t interested or invested in an equitable society where the poor and working class represent themselves. But it truly should eat away at you that you’re fine being corralled into repression and subjugation by “your” government.
The emphasis we place on political education is not symbolic or even an attempt to rewrite history. It allows us to see what methods Black revolutionaries used, but also to see how the government subverted and destroyed their movements.
They saying is “history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes”. Many people were exhibiting their first term Obama jubilation. What we know happened next is the justification for why those pipes in Flint were never fixed, why so many extrajudicial killings of Black people happened etc.
People wrote testimonies about “our 8 years of power”, but unless you were a big bank, an oil company, Wall Street, AFRICOM and other insidious acts of imperialism hidden behind an “articulate spokesman” where did you gain power?
The only reason to remain comfortably ignorant to the conditions which will impact your life and future is because you do not want to attempt to break this cycle. Will we watch people fall out of the political discussions until midterms? Yes.
Ujima People’s Progress Party is simply here to amplify the community organizing and highlight political contradictions. Electoral politics is essentially a ruling class game, which requires a lot of money and very few tangibles for people without it.
We are the Black proletariat, including and involving the lumpenproletariat. We are committed to showing that we decide for ourselves how to build power. Not off the backs of anyone else, but on the strength of collective action. Uhuru sasa, comrades.
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