In memory of this fantastic thread I will be making my own fashion thread. Although my opinions are objective, you can still disagree, although you'd be wrong!

I will be providing some photos, the first two will be bad examples, the next two will be good examples
I'm not much of a "shopper". I only buy new when something's broken, or a new need arises. However, I do have a system in place. If I went back in time to any previous decade, would I look out of place wearing this?
If so, best to avoid, it will go out of fashion within a year
MASKS: Everybody has to wear masks nowadays, corona is scary. However something far more important than surviving corona, is looking good doing it. Your mask must have a shapable nose and extand past your cheeks.
SHOES: The American sneaker culture has infiltrated most of the world, you can get yourself some new Jays in the most remote village of the Congo. But shoes shouldn't be ugly plastic behemoths and they shouldn't be made by some Indian kid. Get something well made and timeless
TEES: Shirts have two purposes, they need to be comfortable, and they need to fit your body. If you're obese you have the privilege to wear ugly/silly shirts, but if you look normal, dress normal!
PANTS: I believe jean fashion trends is a psyop to see how far the CIA can push people. How much are they willing to humiliate themselves to look fashionable? Just get something that fits comfortably, too big feels too heavy, too small feels restrictive.
COATS/JACKETS: There is nothing better than winter. Sure, icy roads and cold mornings suck, but drip doesn't freeze.
Get a nice coat and a fur corduroy, you'll have them for 5-10 years so this is not the place to be cheap. Take your time, get "the one". Now go out and stunt on em
WATCHES: wearing a watch is a nice touch, you DO NOT have to spend allot of money on it if you do not want to.
Just get a classic Casio or a Seiko. Whatever you do, don't get a massive dial, less is more.
SWEATER: There's nothing more comfortable than a well made, well fitted wool sweater. Allot of guys fuck up here. They buy something cheap from H&M or get something from sports store. Again ask yourself: is this timeless? if not, don't buy
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