We're excited to be attending the @LDNVictimsComm's roundtable on Black victims & survivors of #VAWG and how they can access justice and support
First up is the amazing @AkimaThomas on Black women's experiences of accessing services
Incredible points from @AkimaThomas on the need to move beyond just awareness and to take action, as well as the need for a Black and minoritised, trauma-informed model
Now we're hearing from @JahnineDavis on Black girls' experiences of child sexual abuse
V important points on interrelated experiences of Black girls victimised by CSA - adultification, legitimisation of access to their bodies, historical & inter-generational trauma, among many overlapping experiences - racism core throughout all
Now we're hearing from Baljit Banga from @Imkaan on the need for a VAWG sector anti-racism charter
Great to her from Baljit on how structural inequality is reproduced in the sector and impacts by and for services which support Black and minoritised women . For more info on how you can help build an anti-racist VAWG sector visit https://www.endingracisminvawg.org/ 
Powerful testimonies from young Black survivors on poor responses to reporting abuse from stat agencies and the importance of vital services like @WomenandGirlsN
Now we're hearing back from group discussions on how Black women experience the various stages of the criminal justice system
First up, we're hearing about the barriers Black women and girls face to reporting and accessing support. Lack of safe spaces to report (coz of decommissioning), fear of deportation for migrant women, and structure of institutional racism all factors.
Next, we're hearing about police and assumptions abt Black women and girls - not being believed, systemic racism, assessment tools framed by eurocentrism, heteronormativity and ableism all raised
Important question raised on what does justice mean and how vital it is to ask Black women what does justice mean for them? The need for accountability in the criminal justice system also highlighted
Finally, we're hearing about intergenerational trauma and slavery on recovery. Important point also abt how recovery is not neat, the need for informal safe spaces in the community and specialist by and for services
Thank you to @LDNVictimsComm for hosting a fantastic roundtable. Brilliant speakers and conversations. So important that action is taken so Black women and girls who are victims & survivors of VAWG can access the protection and support they deserve
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