Could it be the MSM played a hoax on us? What if the inauguration was prior filmed and aired as “live TV”? Why was sun shining in some while snow/non sun shining falling in some shots? Why bright lights in front of WH? What if CGI was used? Would our media do that? Why?
The “stage” is still there last night👇🏻👀
Why was BiDEn sworn in before noon? The Constitution(Supreme Law of the Land) says noon is time of swearing in.... why did BiDEn sign “17” Executive Orders” which were only blank pieces of paper?
Can a new POTUS be sworn in during time of war? NO! We are at war! Remember Emergency Act in Spring of 2020 signed due to China Bioweapon? Then, EO signed and China election interference. THESE are ACTS of WAR!
Did POTUS Trump sign the Insurrection Act allowing Military to take the reigns of Government control? By law, POTUS does not have to announce it...but if HE does, then he has to physically SHOW the document signed. Could this be why we hear he signed it but have not seen it?
Why did POTUS Trump distance himself from everything all of a sudden? Do you think Donald John Trump would work for free for 4 years, take all the slander and lies for 4 years, endure assassination attempt after attempt, & just “roll over”& let a COUP bring down the US?
We HAVE more than WE know! Do you think Potus Trump would allow a pedOPhilE SaTAnic to lead our Nation? Do you think Potus Trump would turn over our Gov to MilitRy before he let that happen?
IT HAD to BE this WAY! MILITARY was and IS the only WAY!Where’s GENERAL FLYNN? Sec. Pompeo? Retired General Hyten?Does a Military Oath decease at retirement? The Oath to defend the Constitution “against enemies both foreign and domestic”...does it end at retirement? NO it doesnt!
REGROUP patriots!!! Think logically about this! Don’t let your eyes be deceived! Put facts together and listen to your heart! Trust in God! God is working behind the scenes through our Military Leaders! Remember IN GOD WE TRUST!💥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Live Action Movie.. What is that?.... I think we are living it...
What do you KNOW about Military CODE of LAW? Hmm.... Read this!‼️👇🏻👀
POTUS Trump did say he would be back soon in some form.... This intel operator group in NEVER wrong! If they type it, it happens! 3 year track record of me following them!
THIS site is dropping TRUTHS abound... why would White Hat military resort to this strategy? Bc our MEDIA is compromised! And due to National Security laws, Military just can’t come out and tell us! BUT they can give us info in the FORM of QUESTIONS which reveal TRUTH?👇🏻
For example , Why does the sun glow “ORANGE” or Why is the grass “GREEN”?.... From questions, we now the answers.. The sun glows orange and the grass is green!
IT is called PLAUSable Deniability!
Why do you think FLOTUS Trump exited AF1 yesterday in FL wearing a dress in pattern of the JOKER card?.... DID POTUS DJT play the Trump Card? Was the “fake inauguration” the greatest Military STing in worlds history? Was it the Trojan Horse of ALL Trojan Horses?
I have to admit- I have been following along 3 years, learning to decode, look for clues-& even I had to TAKE A Deep Breath after yesterday- Regroup, Pray, Sleep! I never stopped having Faith but I was numb too! & all the people who called me crazy, even family, looking at me...
It was a lot to bare...but this morning, I am up, prayers on board, with a clear head,& I began to “see” clearly again! I told my family “ I am not giving up on God.”! God did not give up on the praying people of America! Idk how God will do it, but HE is right on time everytime!
HAVE FAITh! STAND Strong! PRAY for our military! The military just can’t come out and say what they are doing! We DONT tell our enemies what we are doing, Remember we are in a nonconventional war!! Chinese ops r at our borders ready to invade anytime. Ask yourself..
Why did JB become “fakely” inaugurated? Did the military produce “the fake op” to fool Chinese invaders waiting to invade if JB was not put in as POTUS? Would military pull off such an op to save lives?...Think...
Who has infiltrated our Media? It is run by Chinese CCp.... did we allow the Media to produce their fake inauguration to plead their puppet masters into believing JB inaugurated?.... the more I think abt it, the more I go Hmmmm...
Who is wearing the POKER face now? Could it be the Military White Hats? Do you think our Military would allow RiseofaReitch again? I THINK not! TRUMP CARD playing well IMO!💥🇺🇸
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