We all know this cheeky bird. The House Sparrow.

Here are some facts

Rural populations have halved & linked to changes in agricultural practices.

Numbers in towns & cities have also declined by 60%. The house sparrow is now red-listed as a species of high conservation concern.
Did you know that House Sparrows are monogamous, usually mating for life. Although lost mates are quickly replaced during the breeding season.
The nesting habits of House Sparrows plays a significate role in the birds life and activities. These birds use the nest nearly all year around. They renovate the same nest and use it to roost in the winter. It is their home.
The female begins laying eggs about a week after nest building begins. Typically 4 eggs are laid but some nests can have up to 7 eggs.

The eggs are white to dull brown and speckled with dark brown. For the most part, incubation of the eggs is done by the female.
Incubation last for about 12 days.

Both the male and female feed the young. After the young birds have fledged, the male continues feeding the fledglings while the female begins the next brood.
The sparrows diet consist mainly of small seeds. They can be attracted to corn, oats, wheat & other types of grain or weed seeds.

When feeding nestlings, the birds will switch their feeding habits to insects and spiders.

Dad does most of the feeding after fledging
Here are some odd facts.

Did you know that sparrows have been seen swimming under water?

Did you also know that they have been found living and breeding 2000ft down a coal mine.

They are masters of adaptation
How can we help save the House Sparrow from becoming extinct?

The Vegan Land Movement is here to try & restore the rural habitats decimated by animal agriculture. Giving the land back.

The #VeganLandMovement sees the individual


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