It's evident that this team currently lacks creativity not because we lack the personnel but like in every works of life, pressure doesn't get the best out of a creative talent. The atmosphere needs to be serene, comforting and
trusting. We've got lots of creative players who can lit up games. But currently, confidence is lacking,will to keep fighting is gone. No doubt this rough patch is part of our developmental phase but we must end it urgently. Getting results now, no matter how it comes,will help
alot. It's high time we changed from a POSSESSION GAME to COUNTER-ATTACKING FOOTBALL. Let's get down to the basics:
-Defend collectively
-Defend our box with most of our players I our half
-Create more rooms for counter-attacking play(we've got lots of players who can get into
space and hurt teams))
-swtching of play
- fast ball movement
- more of long balls
Enough of holding possession without anything to show for it.
We play into the hands of opponents, they no longer wrestle possession with us,they just wait for moments to tackle and turn over loose
balls. It's time to reduce the space between the midfield and defence. Let's sit deep more. When results start coming, we can dominate possession and allow our creative players to break lines the way we want.
Thanks for reading
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