Pep's new 334 at Manchester City (A thread):
You can visualise it as a typical 424 where #2 (Cancelo usually) pushes up to make a mid trio with two Midfielders. And the Defenders make a typical Back 3.

Also a kudos to Cancelo's brilliant adaptivity to this role.
The #6 here makes a pivot for the Defenders in order to bring dynamics to the possession. And the two other Midfielders look to expand the width of the pitch.
Pep's teams have always had a special ability to expand the width of the pitch. Here, the two CBs, both the wide Midfielders and expand the width and the wingers look to pin the opposition's Full Backs. Creating width has been one of key formulas of Pep's attacks.
Creating width invites for press. Inviting for press means the space in the middle will be freed up which automatically opens up passing options. And due to the quick movements, it becomes easy for interpreting those moves and spaces.
Like I tried to show here. Increasing width and good on the ball skills opens up the way for you easily. Here the press from the opponent is on. But the #5 can easily beat up his man as one has to leave his man to press the one on the ball.
Regarding Midfield overload:

The two Midfielders drift inside when the ball is in the middle lane. In order to create a 3v2 in their favour and make sure it's not made difficult for the pivot to progress the ball when facing a tough press.
If the opponent brings more player to that area, then the False 9 option is on. Mostly it's KDB who drops in such cases.
The most special feature: Double False 9

The two Midfielders z #8 and #2 tries to drive their men in order to make possible space for the their False 9s who usually stays in between the lines for the entire game. Which makes the CBs follow them and open up a potential space!
The wingers, who are focused on pinning the Full Backs, are free to run into that space left by the Centre Backs. One of those False 9s is KDB, that itself means slick passing in abundance.
The movement of #8 and #2 also means that the False 9 are now free from the cover shadow of opposition's #8 and #6.

What's the other progressive way of getting rid of cover shadow?

Well. Some basic moves are enough keeping in mind the numerical advantage.
Average Position: (in 334)

Tried to visualise it so that it makes clear. Foden (#11) generally is the outmost player here. Who is ready to attack the space, same goes to the other winger.
If you talk about this tactics in a casual way, this may sound silly. Yes it's actually pretty silly if you don't have players who are really confident on the ball. As it seems very vulnerable if you loose the ball especially in Defensive third or Midfield third.
As it leaves vast hole of space between the CBs as the CBs are concentrated on expanding the width.
But thanks to their abilities. The deeper players have around 92-93% average short pass accuracy and it goes to average 91% in medium passes.
End of the thread and Thanks for the read :-)

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