TOP 10 @wiseconnector tweets

@wiseconnector is one of my favourite Twitter accounts helping me to level up my habits, mindset and is all about crafting your live to be successful, fulfilling and abundant.

This is a 🧵 //Thread // of his Top 10 Tweets:
1. "When you are overthinking, write.

When you are underthinking, read."

This is one of my favourite tweets from Mr WiseConnector, which I also practice daily.

If I don’t know what to do, I read. If there’s too much noise in my mind, I write.
2. “You are happier when you do things from love,

not for love.”

When your intentions are unconditional, for a higher purpose, and not to receive something in exchange, the universe rewards you.
3. “If you are growing, you are losing friends.”

When you grow, you become a bigger person, and you lose toxic friends and those who are too small for the new you.
4. “The happier you are,

the more private you are.”

Happiness is the way, not the destination. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, apart to yourself.
5. “A calm mind is the highest level of freedom.”

When your mind is calm, there are no storms to sink your ship.

You take everything in your stride, no problem is too big, nothing can disturb the calmness within you.
6. “Ego needs quantity. Soul needs quality.”

The ego is a never ending voice that always wants more.
Your soul wants to you to reach your higher purpose.
Quality over quantity.
7. “Silence is the best reply to anyone who is dead set on misunderstanding you.”

Have you ever heard the term, Kill them with your silence?
Do I need to say any more?
8. “To be teachable, lose your ego.”

When the voice of the ego is too loud, it drowns the seeds of awareness and education.

Make sure you shut the ego door, open up your 6th sense to practice silence , and listen intently to learn.
9. “Someone is still discussing the old you

because they do not have access

to the new you.”

They’re complaining about the old you, but the new you is too far ahead to hear them.
10. “Your ego prevents you from learning from others.”

Ego kills learning, kill it before it kills you.
I am very grateful to @wiseconnector for imparting the seeds of knowledge daily with me and the rest of the community. Thank you!

This is my way of showing my appreciation and “giving back”

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