The past has happened, and now exists only as a mental object in your mind.

Similarly, the future has yet to happen, and only exists as an object in your mind.

Worrying about the past = regret
Worrying about the future = anxiety
Logically then, worrying about things that don't exist seems pretty foolish. This is called 'time-traveling'.

If you can catch yourself time-traveling, simply bring your attention and awareness to now.

There is a space between a thought arriving in your head + your reaction.
You must realise that you can choose your reaction to events.
When fiery hot anger rears its head - pause. Where did this anger come from?

Was it you who decided to feel angry?

No. Let the thought disappear to the same place that it came from.
Simply watch the thought, take note of it, then let it go.

Recognise that you are not your emotions.
Recognise that you are not your thoughts.

You are that which watches your thoughts.
It is your mind, rather than circumstances themselves, that decide the quality of your life.

This is why some people with nothing are content, and those who seemingly have everything are still depressed.
Your mind is the lens through which you experience everything.

Your mind and body is all you have, and all you will ever have.
If you are perpetually in a state of anger, depression or your attention is elsewhere, it won’t matter how successful you become or who is in your life—you won’t enjoy any of it.

Know this and flourish.
You can follow @SolBrah.
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