I think in the last 72 hours you’ve seen in the clearest of ways that “Christians” who have bemoaned the “politicization” of the church and “alignment with the political right” care not a whit about being “politicized” - they simply want it to be “with the left.” They are (1/4)
not “kingdom minded” - they are leftist-minded, scared to death what the world thinks about them.

The fight right now is no longer about the deep & wide shortcomings of the former President. Now those who stood up against those shortcomings have a DUTY to stand up against (2/4)
the dis-unifying actions of the last two days. Bringing back the Mexico City policy (back door federal funding of abortion). The incompetent selection for assistant health secretary. Token measures like blocking keystone. A job killing, family hurting measure like a $15 (3/4)
federal minimum wage. I could go on and on. Christians not just silent now after puffing their chests over the former President (rightly) but actually celebrating the wokist idolatry of the last 24 hours are cowards. Period.

Fight the good fight. (4/4)
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