A Rally with MNS Jr :

I am the kind of guy who avoid political rallies and have never been a part of rally before in my life particularly because my I don’t like to draw too much attention. Also my parents are little concerned when it comes to politics
I knew @MaryamNSharif was coming to Islamabad so I wanted to meet her because we haven’t met since 2011 . She invited me join her and go to the rally with her and I couldn’t say No to that. Everything got setup and I was requested to reach MFR place.
I was respectfully greeted by jawad balti and few moments later Maryam Nawaz came. She entered and immediately called my name spotting me and greeted with an amazing energy and warmth.

“Deikha Asad! Mainy tumhain pehchan liya“

She’s good at remembering names and faces.
After lunch, Mns asked me to stay right next to her and then asked @SenPervaizRd to take my hand and take me to the car .
Pervaiz Rasheed is a very soft and humble guy . Both of us went to her car where @kdastgirkhan bhai joined us.
He is rightly from Gujranwala because nothing about his appearance makes me doubt otherwise đŸ˜†đŸ˜†â€ïž
Then @MaryamNSharif joined us and after briefly talking to media off we went . The distance to ECP is 4 minutes on a good day but we reached there in about an hour
We chatted about a lot of things and that included time management as well . It’s always good to be on time but seeing is believing . When you are riding a popular wave , it’s extremely difficult to just quickly rummage through the crowd .
Whole time @MaryamNSharif kept asking people to make way and let her through but it becomes so difficult . We joked about how people were speculating about her cup .
Relax guys ! It’s not a magic cup which doubles the size of her rally . She just loves coffee too much.
I asked her if Pervaiz Rasheed writes her speech and the answer is no he doesn’t . She writes her speech herself . That thing in her hand is her speech written in her own handwriting . @MaryamNSharif was continuously active on her social media account the entire time
She told me to be ready for the “Dhakaay” when we will make our way to stage . Throughout time one man was doing the hardest job - Captain Safdar . He was driving , then he would get out and clear way then drive again . It was a very physical work . I must say .
She’s resilient , focused and ambitious . Those who will shrug her off will soon regret it . Yes there are many things that need to be sorted and we discussed that too but @MaryamNSharif resolve is fantastic and I wish her the very best in her struggle

The iconic selfie
. Here are some take aways - Life of a political leader is extremely busy and complexed . It’s easy to tweet but it’s very different in real . You need a lot resources but you got to have a BIG heart because it’s a tough job being on streets . Someone like me can’t do it .
A lot of effort goes into planning and arranging these things. Things could be better if political parties are more institutionalised . I hope all political parties transit towards that .

My day however ended up on a sad note as I lost my iPhone but it was totally worth it
I can’t say about other politicians but I can definitely say about Maryam that she’s has been raised extremely well; a humble person .
To the PTI support base , I just say that reconsider your stance . Why stick to a man who continuously failed to deliver ? Give MNS jr a chance. She has a team and she won’t complain when things go south . She is fighting for your rights too
To the media, I say this, I complained about how managed our media is and she should take media to cleaners but @MaryamNSharif differed and still supported free press.
Media should reconsider its stance too. You might lose a few millions but you will make so many lives better
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