My MP @RobertLargan has made public his desire for his whole voting record to be recognised and not just, say, his votes on opposition day motions.

On Tuesday, he voted 9 times on amendments to the #TradeBill.

At his own request, let's take a look..
Amendment 2: to assess the human rights violations of countries with which we have or are contemplating forming trade agreements.

Mr Largan voted against this.

1 Tory MP rebelled in this vote. It was not Mr Largan.
Amendment 4: to protect the NHS and care organisations from control from outside the UK via trade agreements with other countries.

Mr Largan voted against this.

So did every other Tory MP.
Amendment 5: to require ministers to bring to the House of Commons the domestic legislation required to ratify trade agreements.

Mr Largan voted against this.
Again, voting away more of his own powers.
Amendment 6: to consult parliament and the devolved nations about proposed changes to our food and animal welfare standards resulting from international trade agreements.

Mr Largan voted against this.

4 Tory MPs rebelled in this vote but not Mr Largan.
Amendment 7: to ensure that the online safety of children is not affected by international trade agreements.

Mr Largan voted against this.

1 Tory MP rebelled in this vote but not Mr Largan.
Amendment 8: to protect Northern Ireland/UK trade from detrimental effects arising from other international negotiations.

Mr Largan voted against this.

So did every other MP for the **Conservative and Unionist** party.
I end with the words of @lynbrownmp, from the #TradeBill debate:

Today we should do the right thing, because if we do not, tomorrow we will certainly be judged.
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