I really hope this announcement puts the focus back on the long term aspect of the bet because that’s what made me fall in love with the platform in the first place #footballindex

Unfortunately over the year I’ve been on FI the narrative has seemingly moved away from that
I use to place traditional bets quite a lot, accumulators or RABS most of the time & I’d do hours of research for a bet which would last 90 minutes & often fall short because of one corner or card, infuriating

So you could imagine my delight when I came across @Footballindex
I loved the longtermism and most importantly the concept behind the platform

I still can’t quite believe I can purchase a player and once that transaction is complete he’s mine for up to 3 years and is eligible to win dividends for the entirety of that time
I think that’s perhaps why I’ve been pretty at ease during the last year because I’m looking at things in the long term and not the here and now

I also think being able to lose every penny in my portfolio has helped ease my worries

It’s a game and I’m playing it
I definitely agree many things could have been done better and leadership within the company have failed it’s customers over the last 12 months and there’s no doubt about that but looking forward I can’t help but be excited for the future
Why? Well because I love football and I feel my passion for the game has no better place than on this platform

I’ve won big on football, boxing, the horses and more but none of those wins matched the feeling of FI and the utterly brilliant concept behind PB
The thought of now knowing about this platform and being able to experience my favourite leagues, tournaments and most importantly players careers through it just brings the biggest smile to my face and provides a feeling no other type of betting could
I’ve always wanted to build a career in scouting / analysis & some of you may know I finally took the leap to do just that at the beginning of 2020 only for covid to well & truly put a halt to those ambitions

FI has helped keep that fire burning through an incredibly tough time
I understand that this is just my take on things and not all will agree with it because people trade differently but nonetheless I just wanted to speak whats on my mind and provide a bit of insight into my first year on the platform, my passion for it and my hopes moving forward
You can follow @FItradertom.
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