There are many details in AH’s allegations that give rise to significant credibility concerns; lots of tiny details. However it is important to also keep in mind the bigger questions which cast massive doubt over her entire case.
For me, there are two main questions that have yet to be answered with any degree of satisfaction… 1) Photographic/audio/visual evidence and 2) Medical evidence. To elaborate…
AH, as we know, is someone who records, films & photographs EVERYTHING, with or without the subject’s consent. She claims that when JD was carrying out these numerous attacks over several years that he was often so out of it he didn’t know what he was doing…
So why then is there ZERO evidence of these attacks? It is, to me, implausible that over a long period of time, many different locations etc. with JD so out of it, that she could not get ONE piece of evidence of one of these attacks.
Not one audio recording, not one video recording. Are you telling me it would’ve been impossible to have a second device running to catch it? If JD was so out of it, then it’s reasonable to assume he wouldn’t have noticed a device behind a plant pot or something!
AH talks about JD “splitting” all the time… being away; she had plenty opportunity to set something up. I suspect she did; only problem is that nothing happened so she got nothing.
And the medical evidence. AH alleges numerous attacks which were prolonged & extremely brutal in nature. The injuries she describes & indeed, the type of injuries one would sustain from attacks of that nature, would DEFINITELY require medical treatment.
Broken nose… bruised/broken ribs, concussion & severe head injuries… injuries from shattered glass… these all require HOSPITAL treatment. So where are the contemporaneous ER notes? Where are the records of her flush-out/follow up for splinters of glass?
Why is she calling friends, publicists & lawyers when she should’ve been calling an ambulance or getting a taxi to the ER?! Why is she hysterical about JD leaving to get his finger re-attached when she should be going to the hospital herself to get shards of glass removed?
Where are the extensive contemporaneous medical records showing a regular, sustained pattern of injuries that are consistent with her account of events? This is KEY; if her accounts are to be believed there HAS to be medical records documenting the treatment she received.
These are not injuries that heal on their own without significant disfigurement, scarring and/or infection. So either there are medical records to corroborate her claims - or the injuries did not happen. It’s that simple. Unless of course she IS Wolverine…??!!
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