Friendly reminder that Ao3's tagging convention means that "Character A & Character B" means a platonic relationship and "Character A/Character B" means romantic. They're not interchangeable and people are often looking for one rather than the other, not both at once.
ALSO a reminder that "Chose not to use archive warnings" is NOT the same as "No archive warnings apply". If you tick that no warnings apply but there's surprise MCD, that isn't cool. If that's a plot twist you don't wanna declare upfront, use the 'chose not to use' tag.
Ao3 otherwise has a really flexible tagging system made possible because of their ACTUAL PEOPLE tag wranglers- that's why you can type '3am story and it's not beta read'- someone will get notified that you wrote that and make it synonymous with 'not beta read'.
But the / and &, and the archive warnings are there for a reason and should be used appropriately. I get that sometimes it's hard to know what to use with & and / when it's e.g. ambiguous or a loooooong slowburn, but use your best judgement.
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