
Things that made me realise I actually was autistic...

...when I got my autism diagnosis at the age of 58.

My vocabulary was very advanced for my age in childhood.

Reading books helped me make sense of a chaotic, confusing world.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

Stroking the silk edging on my blanket as a child calmed me.

Wool clothes were too scratchy and uncomfortable to wear.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

In some relationships I was being lied to or exploited.

I didnā€™t always realise that I was being duped at the time.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

Change completely outside my control can be hard to cope with.

At times like that familiarity reassures and grounds me.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

When Iā€™m stressed or upset my ability to speak is compromised.

Group discussions are always very challenging for me.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

I find it hard to sustain a job for any length of time.

I put in huge amounts of effort, achieve things, then burn out.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

When I started learning to drive a car I struggled to change gear.

Once I knew how a clutch worked I could do the practical bit.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

Some jokes make no sense and have to be explained to me.

Cruel humour reminds me of being bullied.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

If I get excited I talk a lot and wave my hands around.

Some people told me to tone it down, and suppress the real me.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

I am very sensitive to other peopleā€™s emotions.

I react to toxic atmospheres like a canary down a mine.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

From time to time I become completely engrossed in a project.

What Iā€™m working on becomes all-consuming. I lose track of time, think of nothing else.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

If I take a position on something based on my values, Iā€™m unlikely to shift unless the facts change.

The personal consequences may be catastrophic, but Iā€™ll stick to my principles come what may.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

I find it hard to comprehend the lengths some people are willing to go to for personal gain.

Sometimes, many years later, it finally dawns on me what was actually going on.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

Factions and divisions within political and social movements get me down.

I donā€™t want to take sides, I want to work in the common interest. This is probably seen as naive.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

I see being autistic as something wonderful, not terrible.

I will fight all attempts to cure us or gene edit us out of existence.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

I am most fully myself with other autistic people.

Scientific tests validated traits, but they didnā€™t capture my soul.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

I often feel demeaned if I read medical literature on autism.

Some of the traits that I see as positive are pathologised.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

For most of my life I felt like an irregular, ill-defined shape.

I never quite managed to fit in, however hard I tried.

Because Iā€™m autistic.

Getting an autism diagnosis opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Iā€™m the same person Iā€™ve always been, but I know who I am now.

I wonā€™t bow down to peopleā€™s prejudices and narrow expectations.

Because Iā€™m autistic.


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