So, proposed full reopening is 6 work days away.

In the interest of moving forward I think it's important it's clarified as soon as possible for all involved (staff, parents, pupils)

- Is this likely?
- Is it dependent on reaching a specific number/level of transmission?

- If it seems unlikely, is a phased reopening being aimed for from that date, for pupils with AEN?
- Is that dependent a a specific number /transmission rate (from unions?)
- Can we have the guidance on pregnant/high risk staff to assess staffing?

- Can we have the FAQs to digest in the event of a partial reopening at any point? So we're not scrambling at the next announcement
- Can it include flexibility around offering in school learning to pupils on SS+ IF they are engaging well at home, to free up capacity

- Can flexibility (split day?) and/or resourcing be provided to ensure there is no pressure on parents to send pupils back to special classes for fear of losing remote learning. To keep numbers as low as possible.

- Can updated guidance be provided in mitigation measures AFTER Dept of Ed engages with public health to inform them of the realities of a special class and that 2m distancing is not possible outside of intimate care?

- Can the PPE funding be restored? And cleaning increased

- Can we be informed directly of any decision around any of the above rather that via the media. During work hours.
- Can we be given time to plan once updated Guidance and FAQs are received?
- Can there be no media announcement of a date before full agreement is in place?

- Can unions ensure members are consulted before agreement is made. So there is no further uturning
- Can time be allowed so nothing is last minute, to ensure for as safe a return as possible (whatever date that might be)?


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