Memes, means, and archetypes:

Why the egregores will win and it’s safer to just ride along unless you got that Luck Stat stacked
Tho, tbf, with the limited following I have now, if you’re reading this your luck stat is probably maxed, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
anyway, here we go

egregores control, influence, invade and infiltrate The Mind

you see, as we all do, that most of what we do is not what we would do if we had perfect control
yes yes, schooling working reaponsibilizing

these are all conscious actions not all can deal with

but, but but but

for those of us who can at least deal with these things well without permanently homelessing ourselves

we provide a medium for Other Things
these Other Things run the gamut from “brush your teeth” to “Outgroup is Evil” to “I am a Literally Empowering God-like idea that works with enough True Believers” to “i like this policy because the brain worms told me this feels good and thus it does”
sometimes these Other Things morph beyond egregore (in a limited def, of egregore, more on this in a long form format if i ever feel that brave) and transition to archetype:

the egregores so pervasive and ubiquitous their very existence is easily recognized
but how do egregores get spun up in the first place?

they originate as memes

the simplest of transmissible Ideas

not data
not quantified

but! they are quantifiable
the Big Ones of our time know this

they ride on this

they see these thoughts
these, transmissible ideas

and help others see them Too

from the bombardment of the Memes, however the medium they are delivered, are borne the Egregores of yore, present, and forward
the Egregores take on their own life

beyond the Meme(s) they were borne from

they become


from here is where they thrive
a meme is a laugh, an anger, a complex bundle of emotions made to make you feel something, even if that feeling just a thought

an egregore is a meme or collection of memes that makes or make you move, you can’t help but do

it changes you
the strongest of egregores hide away, hidden behind veils of the tucked behind evolutionary processes we love to ignore as civilized creatures

they hide themselves as emergent phenomenon present in all relatively advanced civilizations

the trickster, the paladin...the hero
these archetypes arise when the egregore archetypes which are The Constituent Parts of the grander story-like archetypes present themselves to and in an individual in such undeniably powerful ways that most well-storied people can go

“i know you and i know what you’re about”
we don’t have as many story-tellers around to educate us on these topics as we used to

so much so we’ve reinvented the wheel several times over to explain what we’ve known for thousands and thousands of years

heroes exist and they are all common in their uncommonalities
the way that we recognize heroes is by relating them to past heroes

we know what makes a hero

a giant story

good, evil, incredibly strong or legendarily weak

all they are is anything but mundane

but what made the first heroes?
the first heroes arose when stories of the past were all we had

your ragnars and ozymandiases

they were the best at convincing others to follow

they were the greatest idea absorbers and spreaders

not only did they seek knowledge, they sought conquest

for that they are famous
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