1/ In the near future CEXs will source liquidity from decentralized liquidity protocols like Thorchain. Eventually they'll just be the interface. Differentiating by branding and other services

I'd imagine the TVL of these protocols becomes >5% of the cryptocap.


2/ We need more decentralized cross-chain AMM liquidity protocols like Thorchain. They won't cannibalize each other, instead they'll help each other grow.

They'll have billions of liquidity available. Imagine the volume they’ll produce due to arbitrage between each other...
3/ Liquidity providers will profit greatly from this, as arbitrageurs and traders pay swap fees. This will create great and sustainable yields.

Market manipulation will decrease, because of the capital required to move these incredibly liquid markets...
4/ It should be clear that we need multiple decentralized cross-chain AMM liquidity protocols.

Who will rise up beside Thorchain? Together we shall lead the charge.
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