Man, I'm feeling pretty awesome right now. It's a rare feat so I'm gonna ride the vibe. There are so many people who make me feel good & I wanna shout them out. Follow along as I tweet out a wholly unnecessary thread of praise in the middle of the night just because ⬇️
@garyzam01 is my dude. This man is always so kind and loves spreading good energy. Through him I stumbled upon meeting @JeNateJackFF & by association @JenPolvogt, @Between_SethFF & the crew. Follow @IBT_Media. What they do is absolutely fabulous & relatable af.
But even before that, I started this whack journey producing fantasy football content on Facebook and that's where I initially ran into @ff_intervention. He was the first person I encountered & he really gassed me up in terms of pursuing this shit. Follow him & @JoinOurCircle_.
But also let's not forget that none of this is a damn thing without MY FUCKIN' BOI @McLateralFF. I literally cannot say what I have to say about him in 280 characters so fuck it, I won't. He's my brother. No sappy shit necessary. That's my guy. Follow him.
There are a trillion people I could shout out but character limits are a thing. Not tryna leave anyone out but Cole Kmet Club is legit and y'all know who the fuck you are & I don't need to say it. You'll figure out who they are just by paying attention to the jokes on the feed.
Also just wanna shoutout my dudes @torontoFF8 and @TheFantasyMoose. Mental health awareness is hella important & my bipolar brothers deserve love. We don't let it define us & we do our best to help normalize it & speak up. Y'all keep doin' what you do. I love you both.
I'm now going to shut up because I'm 100000000% sure I'm gonna feel silly for ranting & I'll very likely overthink this decision making & hate myself for it but fuck it. I'm just doin' me and I encourage everyone to do the same. Do you and live your best life. I love you all ❤️
You can follow @HermsNFL.
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