We will accept and exchange your spent filters for new ones!

Please let us know if you would like to donate your filters to local researchers to catalog the chemicals used on us.

We will give you new filters for FREE!

PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE, especially when the feds use HC. https://twitter.com/SoundsnColor/status/1352153247042084865
If you would like to help us facilitate this filter exchange, please donate to cashapp $TeamRaccoonPDX

We are low on funds and need to order more filters!
PDX: If you were present at ICE tonight and are experiencing symptoms if uncontrollable nausea and vomiting, headaches, experience metallic tastes or the taste of a pool, go to the doctor and get blood work done.

Specifically request a heavy metals test. You have to ask for it.
You can follow @teamraccoonpdx.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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