The term 'person of colour' is so nauseating.

All it means is 'non-white' and I think it's backwards that people feel we need a specific term for that.

As if black people, asians, arabs, etc. are all the same...

Dunno who came up with that nonsense, but I hate it.
Two more dumb things about this term:

1/ it assumes white as a 'default' category. Which is Klan-ish and globally ignorant

2/ it's remarkably similar to 'colored person'. They just changed the syntax. One is considered offensive, the other PC 🤷🏿‍♂️

It's nonsensical. I hate it.
Beyond that...

3/ it SPECIFICALLY excludes white people. Creating an artificial in group/out group dynamic that is unnecessarily divisive (this is intentional FYI)

4/ it's simultaneously too specific to be unifying, and too broad to be useful as a descriptor
The only time when it's necessary and valuable to separate whites from non-whites is when doing laundry! 😂
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