Judging by this account's header pic, he seems to be of the belief that Section 1881A of the Social Security Act would allow a President to extend Medicare benefits (note: this is existing Medicare not the souped-up version of Bernie's bill - which has premiums and cost sharing) https://twitter.com/WaitingOnBiden/status/1351942706378002433
The legislation allows the HHS Secretary and the SSA Commissioner to designate individuals who have been subjected to "environmental exposure." As Dayen notes, it was in response to a mining disaster in Libby, Montana.
Dayen argues that Biden should consider COVID an environmental health hazard in order to give anybody diagnosed access to Medicare. Nice theory, but the problem is he clearly didn't read the law all the way through.
Subsection (e) makes it clear that in order to qualify for an "environmental exposure" Medicare eligibility, you would have to be diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness.
Please don't listen to stupid people like @ddayen, who fail to recognize that we have a judiciary that likes to enforce the law as written. No, Biden does not have the power to give everybody "Medicare for All" with a stroke of a pen.
Here's a link to Section 1881A. @ddayen's theory is completely eviscerated by the plain text of the law. https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/ssact/title18/1881A.htm
@ddayen retract that dumb article and stop lying to people
Gonna have to file this particular theory under "Progressive Qanon" https://twitter.com/WaitingOnBiden/status/1351942706378002433?s=20
I'm quite upset that @ddayen has elected to lie to his readers about this. I don't expect his readers to read the law, but I do expect him to not lie to them about what the law says. Shame.
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