Ever wonder about all those Alice & Wonderland ending comments in 17 drops?

Well, that’s where we currently are. Go back and look at old drops. WONDERLAND is DC right now. We all saw the water today ;)

Now we understand it. Happy hunting ;)
And another thing to look at is “as the world turns,” which means what? Turning to a Biden presidency?

Well... good thing we know now that this is “the start.” The “old to new” is a huge indicator as well. Remember, NOT ALL words are relevant. Just a few.
And this is how it may bring us up to speed on what happened today. Notice how it says DECLAS (past)? That means that event has PASSED. Or in the past.
Flash break? -Prerecorded?
“Find the markers” -10th marine icons, all of it.
Darkness... - inauguration/feeling
Furthermore, on double meanings...
“And so it begins” means that this also applies to today forward. How do you start a WAR? Fog of War. If we are “playing chess” then let’s look at chess definitions shall we?
But how can we interpret this? Well...
What this specific game mode is telling us, is that players can see the squares their pieces can ‘LEGALLY’ move. (It has to be done by the book) but once you take out a piece, they lose visibility of that part of the board.... “dark to light.”
They have to take out....
Everyone from the bottom up it seems. “The top in power”
So then they’ll be blacked out with communications that way. (Double meaning.) they’ll be completely in the dark...
then what’s checkmate? The secret service.
Because that’s the LAST move to be made.
So when you hear “this is only the beginning.” Repeated from 45, you know what he’s trying to say?

“THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING” is the START to the metaphorical game.

This is indeed why the best is yet to come.
One last thing. It also symbolizes the beginning of the show. Such a serious meaning to it huh?

Honestly. You should watch. I think we all saw today that it was prerecord. Just like the DNC.
“Every battle was over before it was fought”
NOBODY can see DC w/ the military...
And that quote alone says that what we are seeing IS fake. All of it. Which means... ITS ALREADY ALL BEEN DONE. Justice has been served. YOU CAN RELAX.

Seriously, just sit and watch it. It’s a limited series and it’s gonna blow your mind.

That is all. - Towel.
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