Not a defense of Trump nor of the evangelicals that stood behind him, both didn't do right to different degrees.

That said..

From my observations. It wasn't about Trump being a symbol of Christianity - some saw him as a Christian, others as a Cyrus that is on their side. 1/
They were threatened about the dominance of values they considered wrong - abortion and co. They saw Trump not as one who wouldn't carry out vile things but as one who would protect their own interests. That's really what political representation is about.
What I find interesting is that people talk down Trump as a Christian, which is justified but are now exalting Biden as a good Catholic - hmmm.
Are his values so in alignment with the Catholic Church?
Educate me with love and gentleness.
A good christian is one who believes in the death, burial and resurrection and has surrendered Lordship of his or her life to Jesus. This should show in the values we exemplify and endorse. It is not by how big your Bible is or attending church services.
Finally, humans make mistakes, you will also probably make some wrong judgement calls. Show mercy to others when they do.
When your brother or sister in Christ falls, don't laugh, learn.
This is how I try to react to mistakes of those in the faith, especially church leaders.
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