I think it's dangerous to pose any MAGA-heads and Qultists as "well-meaning people".

Were these people manipulated? Yes. Is that fucked up? Absolutely.

But the reason these folks were susceptible in the first place was because they sought justification for their racism- (1/?) https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman/status/1352054746572484612
-, homophobia, sexism, islamophobia and anti-semitism. These were not blank-slate humans four years ago, and they aren't now; Qanon and Trump did not turn these people into racists.

It's certainly important to call to attention the massive manipulation event that occured, (2/?)
but it's also important to note that BEYOND the de-programming these people need to exit the Qult, these people also require further de-programming and unlearning of deeply-held racist, queerphobic, sexist beliefs before we can call them "well-meaning".

Referring to these people as good or well-meaning people is participating in the further gaslighting of BIPOCs, Queers, Muslims, Jewish people etc. People who've already spent 4 harrowing years being gaslit by Trump and his "well-meaning" supporters.

Remember that MAGAheads and Qultists were racists and sexists and homophobes BEFORE they were MAGAheads and Qultists.

Remember that these people wanted to see BIPOC gone or dead. Gays, gone or dead. Trans folks. Muslims. Jewish folks.

And they still do.

A certain degree of humility for them is needed as part of the de-programming assistance.

However, we need to be giving MORE energy to those who've had less power, less privilege and more trauma to bear than these guys.

These're cult victims, yes. But not "well-meaning" ones.
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