Psychopathic Men:

-Inactive or Dysfunctional Amygdala
-Zero Neuroticism. Zero Fear, Guilt, Sadness
-Anger is an emotion psychopaths *do* experience, but, they only experience the positive aspects of anger; not the negative aspects
-Zero Compassion (Zero 'Agreeablness').
Note: Neuroticism and Agreeableness are 2 of The Big 5 Personality Traits

It seems to be the case, that psychopathic men are more prone than neurotypical men to drug addiction, and to "Thrill Seeking Behavior" in general.

This is less true in High IQ Psychopaths, than it is in Low IQ Psychopaths.
Low IQ Psychopath -> will impulsively engage in violence, and spend his adult life in and out of prison. Prone to using drugs impulsively and becoming addicted.
High IQ Psychopath -> learns to reign in his impulsivity. Does not impulsively engage in violence or get addicted to drugs.

In a trial and error manner, finds strategies and tactics that are effective for manipulating people.
High IQ Psychopaths are almost always High Cunning (great 'people skills', great at reading body language, vocal tonality, individual personality, great at charming and persuading).
One thing that enables psychopaths to excel at Cunning is this; they are dispassionate.

They don't have emotions such as Compassion or Guilt or Fear blinding them.
A psychopath can dispassionately examine what strategies/tactics do and don't work for manipulating people in the manner they desire, without having compassion, guilr, or fear bias or blind them.
Theoretically, a High IQ Psychopath could be Low Cunning (they could be intelligent, psychopathic, and have bad 'People Skills'; be bad at manipulating people).

Having dealt with over a dozen High IQ Psychopaths, I have encountered exactly zero such examples.

1: Harming Others Without Remorse:
For neurotypical people, harming others is a very emotional experience. Most will not harm others unless they are driven by intense anger, or intense fear of what will happen to themselves if they refuse to inflict harm upon another.
For a psychopath, harming others is often an *emotionless* experience.

If you witness a man inflict unspeakable harm upon others, while seeming to experience zero emotion himself; no anger, and no fear, that's a sign of psychopathy.
Most High IQ Psychopaths are capable of concealing this sign of psychopathy; they know they must conceal their willingness to inflict harm upon others, since failure to do so would put them in danger of being ostracized, or at least disliked and not granted future favors.
2: Cold Eyes

It is difficult to describe this in words, but the eyes of psychopathic men look different than the eyes of normal men.

Their eyes have energy, but no soul.

They tend to have an intense and piercing stare.

It's as if their eyes are made of ice.
3: Sky High Stress Tolerance

As part of having Zero 'Neuroticism', psychopaths don't experience fear, or stress.

If you notice that a man is perfectly calm in situations where a normal person would be panicking, that's a sign of psychopathy.
It's not a surefire sign; there are men who are psychologically normal (not psychopathic), but who have a very high stress tolerance, but it is a sign worth noting.
4: Stilted Speech

For some reason, psychopathic men tend to have stilted speech; they pause a lot in the middle of their sentences.
This is NOT a surefire sign of psychopathy; there are other neurological disorders (Autism) that correlate with stilted speech, and there are psychologically normal people with stilted speech.
I have always suspected that the reason psychopathic men often have stilted speech (pauses in the middle of their sentences) is this...
The psychopathic man knows what he wants to say, but he pauses, so that he has time to *rephrase it* in a way that won't make what he says sound monstrously callous or selfish.

A friend of mine who is psychopathic (yes, really) recently confirmed that my suspicious was correct.

Vladimir Putin is a High IQ Psychopath

He is a walking textbook example of a Psychopath; zero amygdala function, zero fear, zero guilt, zero compassion.

He has a stress tolerance that is seemingly infinite.
Frank Underwood (House of Cards) is a fictional example of a High IQ Psychopath.

Frank Underwood = Vladimir Putin with an American accent
Note that both Putin and Underwood are cold and detached; fearless, but not egotistical.

They are psychopathic, and not at all narcissistic.

Strategically, this is the ideal.
Their lack of narcissism or egotism enables them to make the decision that delivers the best results, without their ego getting in the way.
Your ego is irrelevant.
Outcomes are the only thing that matter.

Psychopaths who are not narcissistic understand this.

Narcissistic men never understand this.
Narcissistic men (and many psychologically normal men) will reject courses of action that would be strategically beneficial, because such courses offend their ego...
...and they will engage in courses of action that are strategically counterproductive because such courses stroke their ego.
Psychopaths, who are not narcissistic, don't engage in such foolishness; they take the course of action that yields the best results, and lay their ego aside.

Psychopathy is caused by genetics; psychopathic men are the way they are due to an inactive or dysfunctional amygdala, and they were this way from the day they were born.
Narcissism is caused by a bad childhood (abusive or negligent parents), though there is probably some genetic component to narcissism as well.

If he enjoys hurting animals, starting at a very young age (under 16)

that's a warning sign of psychopathy.
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