I really think encouragement can be an incredibly powerful tool. Especially for youngsters! I think about myself as a child. There was no direction or foundation of support. My parents split at 5 and they were trying to figure out life. Who could blame them? Especially my mom
who was raising 3 brats alone. From the age of 13 I was often told randomly that I could be a broadcaster. Yet, I had no confidence or direction from an elder. It was assumed that since I was the oldest I was in control. I certainly wasn't. I truly regressed from age 12 to 18.
When I was 18 I went to CMU. I wanted to go there to be in their communications program because Dick Enberg went there. I tried out for the campus TV station. I didn't get a call back. Instead of buckling down and trying to prove myself, I gave up. I started to party non-stop and
I failed out at the end of the year. A couple wanderlust years went bye until my best pal Brandon died in a car accident. Then his mom pays for me to go to @SpecsHoward in 2002. I eventually graduated the program and got a job in TV news in Charleston, SC. It was all behind the
scenes jobs like editor, assignment desk and photojournalist. I made a demo tape one weekend afternoon using our TV studio. I did a sports report with the hope of being the wacky sports guy at some local TV station. I sent out about 5 tapes. Again, I gave up after I didn't
hear back from any of them. You see the trend here? I had no foundation or resolve because I had no belief in myself. I honestly see that as a result of my upbringing. I don't blame anyone. I see this again, in support of mentoring and encouragement. Consistently too. Not just an
occasional comment either. Someone who believes in you when you're most impressionable. When I was 7 I was watching my little brothers after my parents got divorced because my mom had to work to support us. It was assumed as that reliance continued that I had figured it out at an
early age. As I hit puberty though it was the opposite. I had no direction to guide me. I went backwards year by year. Again, I'm NOT blaming anyone. I just see so clearly now the value of encouraging kids at crucial times of development. I'm not talking about fraudulent attempts
either. Like the parents who go over the line. Todd Marinovich's father, who crushed the spirit within Todd with his mania to make him a football player, comes to mind. I'm making the most of it now. After 40 YEARS I am fully committed to broadcasting to the best of my ability on
my own terms. I'm grateful for what I've learned. Truly. This isn't a regret for poor old me. No. It's a reminder to remember the strength that mere words can have in a young person's life. I've definitely taken that for granted myself as an adult. I don't think I will anymore 🙂
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