Some of you are confused how it is that Q people still believe now that Biden has been sworn in.

Here’s the thing: for many of them, this will *strengthen* their belief.
Apophenia—the *experience* of connections between unrelated objects—is the essence of conspiratorial worldviews. When everything is secretly connected and preordained, every new event can only confirm the conspiracy.
What’s more, the *visible* cause—what they’re willing to tell you—may “sound” the truest but it will feel the most untrue. Evidence and propositional logic? The more that is given the more it feels like a lie.
If you want to understand Q, I think Susan Lepselter’s *Resonance of Unseen Things* is your guide.
Did I mention this book is free and open access?
This passage from Lepselter about a conversation with a UFO abduction “survivor” after the Waco raid still guts me:
What is a cult?
A cult is a culture.
A cult is a culture
They don’t like.
Back to work this morning on my huge substack post on Trumpism as structure of feeling called "The Apophenic Thrall."
btw @jenmercieca you'll be making an appearance in the post and I'll be especially excited to know what you think of it.
You can follow @gnrosenberg.
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