List of UK Prime Ministers since 1937, ranked by me:

1. Clement Attlee 10/10: no-one will ever be more perfectly suited to and equipped for the role. No-one.

2. Winston Churchill 9/10: the right man at the right time... but not a peacetime leader.
3. Harold Wilson 7.5/10: our most underrated Prime Minister ever?

4. Harold Macmillan 7/10: basically fine, and the Profumo affair was hardly his fault. Night of the Long Knives was pure panic and overrreach though.
5. Tony Blair 6/10: Vietnam destroyed LBJ. Iraq destroyed Blair. He'd be in the top 3 without it.

6. Margaret Thatcher 5/10: see Reagan. Would be in any historian's top 3 - for sheer impact. But I just cannot abide the evil witch, whose legacy of destruction continues.
7. John Major 5/10: a bit like our answer to Bush the Elder. We've all realised how underappreciated he was in recent times.

8. Gordon Brown 5/10: here's someone who, I guarantee, history will completely rehabilitate and even, among some, venerate.
9. Sir Alec Douglas-Home 5/10: a non-entity, yet who was astonishingly close to holding on against Wilson only a year after taking office.

10. Edward Heath 4/10: a disaster

11. James Callaghan 4/10: ditto. Actually began neoliberalism in the UK too.
12. David Cameron 3/10: in the immortal words of Danny Dyer: "Twat".

13. Neville Chamberlain 3/10: has history maybe judged him too harshly?

14. Sir Anthony Eden 2/10: total humiliation.

15. Boris Johnson 1/10: lies, oafishness, catastrophe, national self-harm lasting decades.
16. Theresa May 0/10: never was someone more over-promoted, more uncomfortable in their own skin or completely hopeless and helpless. The Peter Principle writ large.
Notice how:

- Most Prime Ministers in that entire time have been dreadful

- Almost all Tory Prime Ministers have been way beyond dreadful, and well into the realms of eye-bleedingly awful.
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