If you had been with me and Joe Biden one night at an Iowa Pizza Hut in 2007, you never would have thought he was gonna be president someday. But life surprises.
I was the only reporter with him as we traveled through southern Iowa, at one point jumping on a small plane. We talked about loss.
I was working for the Chicago Tribune under the great @tackettdc. I wasn't a political reporter. I covered the Supreme Court. So I didn't get a high profile candidate.
But the Trib let me file a huge story. I think it landed at 3000 words, but eventually cut in half naturally. Biden's life as we all know now lends itself to a narrative.
But it was a tragedy. This was the JFK wannabe who had battled back from setbacks only to find an indifferent electorate.
Then Obama picked him as VP and you know the rest.
Postscript: Last Feb, I was in Nashua, NH with Biden. He was at his lowest ebb, about to get trounced. I was working at the hotel bar as it was closing. In walks Joe and Jill. She has a glass of wine. They have a quiet moment together. Win or lose, they seemed fine with it.
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