I think we need to address the fact that people are allowed to disguise their hatred of women and feminine men and use it to propagate harmful ideology that hurts literally everyone, and creates a toxic environment that hurts young girls and female creators in fandoms.
I cannot emphasize this enough, to the adults who are saying that making a male character act feminine is a bad thing:

The biggest audience for anime is girls between the ages of 13 and 25. And you are hurting them. You are teaching them that being feminine is bad.

And I have seen people say, "it's not a character wearing certain things, or having a certain ideology, it's the character acting like a girl that bothers me."

No. Bad. Stop. That's WORSE.

You are putting out the message that feminine personality traits are negative.
A character crying, getting scared, or being the victim of abuse, or god forbid being penetrated in bed, should not make you go,

Oh. Ew. They turned him into a woman.

The fact that this is an accepted, COMMON ideology, is harmful. And it HURTS kids who experience these things.
And do you know what else it normalizes?

Treating women or people who present in a feminine way like shit. Which is COMMON in fandom, despite the fact that it fandom creators are largely women, or people who choose to present in a feminine manner.

It's a real, prolific problem.
I am a woman in a male dominated field, living in an area where homophobia and sexism is an expected norm. I know what the behavior looks like.

And I have seen women bullied off of the platform. I have seen some of my FAVORITE authors stop writing entirely. And it's not right.
It's even worse for transwomen and BIPOC women, who experience even more aggression and invalidation, and receive even less support.

And the worst part is, often times, the ones leading the charge are other women. It's sick, and it's harmful, and you need to examine it and stop.
You cannot call yourself a feminist, an ally, or a mental health advocate while pushing an ideology that teaches women and trans individuals to hate themselves.

I also realize that the people doing this are often women, or members of the LGBTQ+ communities themselves.
That does not exclude you from culpability for the harm spreading that mindset is causing, or the real world harm it can bring.

Your self hatred should not be someone else's problem. Fandom cannot fix that for you. Look inward. Get help. But stop spreading toxicity.
And if you ever wanted proof, I want you to seriously examine the way people behave when female characters are portrayed as masculine. Or how fandom creators who identify as male are treated versus fandom creators who identify as female.

The gap is startling, and it is sad.
Imma just sign off with the fact that this is actually not a fandom issue, or a matter of opinion where disagreeing is an acceptable thing. This is a form of discrimination and prejudice, and people should not tolerate or enable it.

I have seen posts saying "I hate how fandom
authors do *** to *** and make him act like an uwu feminine bottom, it ruins the character" get hundreds of likes. It's not acceptable.

Call it out.

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