The "Bot" effect Summary

Full Disclosure: not an IT expert. I maybe a grade or so above the average person, but certainly, not on par with some of the experts here that I believe are highly skilled within the IT arena.
Two aspects of this provide an opportunity to learn.

1. The level of my personal "skill set" is avg. perhaps, slightly higher. This makes me comparable to most users.

2. The current social media environment and censorship is highly fluid, to say the least. A def factor.
With suspensions of POTUS and others via FB ,TW and then Parler getting shut down, many are moving around.
When Parler went down, several options emerged.

Gab and TELEGRAM seem to be the most popular catching the movement from FB and Twitter.
I'm on Gab, TELEGRAM + others, but I'm just idle. Not active.
I remain dedicated to this platform and will do so, until POTUS resurfaces elsewhere.

Gab has recently spun up multiple new servers to accommodate the influx of users moving around and looking for a place to land.
Gab has reported they have seen a 750 percent spike in their website's traffic and more than 100,000 users installed the Signal across the app stores of Apple and Google in the last two days, while Telegram picked up nearly 2.2 million downloads, according to Sensor Tower.
We've seen what appears to be big names resurfacing upon TELEGRAM such as, Gen. Flynn, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, etc.

I've simply played along and watched. I've observed the content, etc. Now, listen to what happened on TELEGRAM.
I can't recall the exact time it was last night, but I'll estimate it to have been @ 7:30pm last night.
From memory, on a TELEGRAM chat page, I think the Mike Pompeo team, a link to another page was fed over called, The Great Awakening.
Shortly after, a bot link was dropped in.
I looked at the bot link and info and it was asking me to essentially, relinquish control to social media accounts and that it would "auto" post on my behalf, as things developed.

All suspect to what I know about the movement & timing, on the eve of Bidan's inorguration.
This is a time that I'd say, we are most vulnerable. We tend to be approaching unavoidable action, one way or the other; right? People want and expect to see action so everyone is actively looking for something that will affirm their beliefs.
I posted a declassified doc today on Psychological Operations (PSYOP, PSYOPS) ran by our government and others. Much of this is referenced within it.
Methods of informational warfare within the war between Good v Evil. Information being deployed in a fashion and form
which can manipulate us and make us believe the fake is real and the real is fake.

This bot, which I never engaged with, wanted to mimic me with it's content, which was yet to be determined at this point.
Then the Great Awakening page on TELEGRAM became very active with drops
running in sequence, almost every 10-20 secs. Most of which, using the language many of us are familiar with. This made it more credible because the "content" affirmed what we were familiar with so it felt, comfortable and trustworthy. So, I manually mimic'd the account in
rapid fire form. Thousands watched it in real-time and the content manipulated them, it played on their emotions with wording that many were familiar with, on a day those same people are vulnerable and wanting or expecting something to happen. I did this for two reasons, a lesson
for myself and others and, to see where it went. What the end point was because it was seemingly, leading to a climax.
I stopped the manual mimic of it early to mid-afternoon because what I've always believed is that the timing of something so significant would never be
disclosed for obvious reasons. In some cases, clandestine operations may never be disclosed to the public which means, they're done in, or executed with total secrecy.
The other big reveal was when the page started posted up a PP link asking for donations to build a new site.
First and I speak for myself on this, but I NEVER EVER send money to anyone that I do not know.

Secondly, people within this movement don't ask for donations.

Third, PP has made it public, in recent weeks as being against the MAGA movement.
Tie it all in with a public count down to events.

Red Flags all.

As everyone can see, and confirmation for myself, it was as I suspected it to me. A hoax and a weaponized tool being deployed against us and most aren't sure how to identify it, much less, manage it.
This can also apply to myself. Although, my eye is probably a bit more keen than most, in times like this, when we are in the heat of battle and standing upon the front lines, things can get blurry, even to the pros. I've kept an eye on Monkey Werx and he's also admitted
this himself. He spoke about the event at the capitol and said, it was becoming really hard to distinguish the difference between who was Patriots and who wasn't. As we found out, which was confirmation for many, those people were Antifa dressed as MAGA. That just illustrates how
easily the public can be manipulated by their methods and technologies. They can dress like Patriots and they can use the same language as Patriots and be convincing.

All of this used in a time when we are vulnerable with guard down, makes us subject to falling for the
misinformation campaigns used against the credibility of us and the movement.

Again, I wanted to use this as a powerful real-time example of how we are being played by the DS.
It's very real and at times, it's very difficult to know what's
real v what's not so
keep your radar up with a high level of discernment.

We also must be disciplined in looking at the content within media publications. I tend to believe that many never open and read the publications, they merely forward based on what the headline reads. Meanwhile, the content
can be contrary to what the headline may indicate.
This is another weapon they use against us to promote their "fake news" and then I'm sure, they sit back and mock us for that too.
This is and was meant to be a learning tool, for myself and others because this was the first
time I had seen direct contact with an attempt to highjack my account with a bot.
I shared content earlier today on the Trust Russia initiative that I believe could be related to this bot and others.
I also believe that the video from Alex Jones this week, is also. Trolling us.
It's clear that we all have a lot to learn about this new environment. They have used this against us, at varying degrees, for a long time. The difference now is that it's exposure is used as a way to train us so we know what to look for by building our awareness and discernment.
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