Extremely tired of politely asking for folks to stop using insults that hurt disabled people. I don't care if you're insulting fascists. Ableism justifies the idea a disabled life is worth less. Ableism is linked to eugenics. Ableism kills people. 🤬 #MakeAbleistsUncomfortable
Stop using "smooth brain" as an insult! This is a legit medical condition. Stop replacing old slurs with it. And if you're that guy who justified using it because people with lissencephaly die young and aren't on Twitter... WTF!!! That is messed up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lissencephaly
If you use the Mocking Spongebob meme - stop! Can't count the amount of times I've seen the disabled community educate about this, here's a great thread. Key points? Don't mock those with facial disfigurements, dyslexia & speech impairments. Pretty basic. https://twitter.com/A_Silent_Child/status/1132529686775566336?s=20
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