It's time to talk about the giant liquidation blowout at Jason's Discount Warehouse. @jkenney #ABLeg #ABPoli #CdnPoli #FireTheUCP
Kenney's pressers are usually uncomfortable. He is unprepared, confused, confusing and frequently arrogant; especially when taking media questions. He feigns insult, superiority and knowledge.
Today's media address was, however, other-worldly. Kenney took his little engine that could to the top of the Yoho Pass and descended into the Spiral Tunnels at high speed.
It was an epic train-wreck. Kenney's MAGA - to Make Alberta Gobsmackingly Awful - is no longer a comic expression in my mind.
Today, I saw Kenney's usual demeanour augmented with a greater than normal dose of narcissism and braggadocio. He thinks he did well today.
Like a fool at the roulette table, Kenney has bet away his initial stake and is borrowing from the house. He's in so deep there's no way out but to keep betting. Eventually he will win it all back. He's sure of it.
On the first day of a new, hopeful Presidency in the US, Kenney decided to throw a temper tantrum.
In response to a lawful act under US law, something that was known as likely to happen long before Kenney placed his bet, he declared that AB has been 'gut punched'; that Biden's actions are an 'insult'.
In the realm of diplomacy, Jason Kenney decided today to open with a bridge burning. He's salted the land and he's laid waste to the arena of dialogue.
Kenney has vandalized efforts to develop good relationships between Canada and the new US Administration. Today we witnessed an inability to grasp climate issues, people issues and the nuance of trade.
Kenney falsely juxtaposed Trump's trade wars (and Canada's response) with Biden's decision to rescind the Presidential acceptance of KXL. He mischaracterized the share of Canada's O&G sector in the overall economy.
Curiously - and falsely - he positioned himself as a champion of union workers. He wavered between the loss of jobs as being from 2,000 to 'tens of thousands'. Due to his interference, the latter prediction may well come true.
Kenney wants to launch a trade war with the United States.
With that, Kenney has decided to bet the entirety of the AB economy, his inter-provincial trade relationships & what precious little cred he has left with a few zealot US Senators that are no longer in the majority.
Today, in one press conference, Kenney did more to further destabilize the AB economy than any other event or combination of events he has wrangled before.
Investment dollars, already in scarce supply in the Province, will trickle to a halt. More people will leave. More jobs will be lost. The spiral down can only be broken by getting Kenney out of his position of harm.
Jason Kenney ( @jkenney) is a danger to Alberta and to all of Canada. #cdnpoli #abpoli #AbLeg #ClimateAction
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