1. A watchable docuseries on the century long history of psychology. Although contemporary psychology has academically jettisoned Freudian and Jungian theories, those continue to be applied widely to shape society:
2. In particular, Sigmund Freud and his family, including US-based Edward Bernays, played prominent roles in shaping “democracy” and brokering its marriage with consumerist capitalism. Management of masses and “manufacturing consent” were their goals.
3. Freudians believe that man’s fundamental nature is merely a cold reptilian set of drives towards sex and violence. Even the more sublimated versions of this idea tend to be agnostic or atheistic, and deny any reality to this world. Reflective of this verse on Asuric mind.
4. Based on that assumption on human nature, Freudian “priesthoods” advised democratic governments that the “base” instincts of the masses must be constantly stimulated, and then pacified by consumerism. Whence the marriage between politicians & business in democracies.
5. Freudian “public relations” also emphasized the coupling of politics with advertizing gimmicry, making politicians eager for the approval and endorsement of film stars, moral authorities (church, academics) and others rather than being the founts of honor and propriety.
6. Despite the Great Depression & New Deal that saw Big Business as incapable of being an honest stakeholder in a democracy, it failed to shake off the preponderant and corrupt influence of business in democratic politics. More and more, politicians prostituted themselves.
7. In a Varnic perspective, the primacy of Vaishya values is a fact of liberal democracy, which only speaks of economic freedom and consumerism to manage discontent. It does not understand honour in any way other than money, possessions and the satisfaction of desires.
8. Individual achievement, family nobility, power & honor is perverted in this value system into ladder climbing aggrandisement, nepotism, gloating & subjective narcissism posing as spirituality, even when it includes token charity & religious observance. Like Bhagavad 16:13-15 -
9. In the larger Varnic scheme, there are deeper psychological reasons why power must always be controlled by a Kshatriya type and not any other. This will shape the mass mind in ways drastically different - materially and spiritually- from that of a mercantile liberal democracy.
10. In the Bichittar Natak, #Sikh Guru Gobind Singh suggests that w.r.t. Power, the Varnic hierarchy is Kshatriya, Brahmana, Shudra, Vaishya, i.e., the Vaishya must be kept farthest away from the levers of power.
11. An anecdote from the life of the first Guru: Nanak Patshah’s father was a Khatri by birth but a Patwari by profession. Rai Bular Bhatti is shown here attempting to prevent him from striking his son for distributing the money he gave him to feed the hungry Sadhus instead...
12. Thus, even Rai Bular Bhatti being a Muslim is considered more of a Kshatriya than Nanak Patshah’s own father and living more in line with Warrior Ethics instead of Vaishya ideas of giving charity to Sadhus only from what remains after catering to the base self.
13. Thinkers like Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar tried to posit a Varnic social cycle theory wherein each Varna rules until its shortcomings become manifest while its brazenness increases. Remains to be seen if capitalist consumerist democracy is at that point.

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