Like many of you, I was in shock by today's event, but then I used logic. I realized why it had to happen this way, and that we were told this would happen and why this NEEDED to happen. A SCARE EVENT would be needed. Well, are you scared yet?
1) Posts 4821 and 4822 told us about Biden being sworn in, and would the countries he took bribes from then be in control of the government? 👇
2) Did you know? Biden had to take a private jet to Washington, D.C. and was not sent a government plane. This was the first time in history this has happened.

3) Trump did say that the next administration would take over at noon today. He did not enact the military because... would give the corrupt politicians and MSM a new narrative. Trump walked away clean.


THIS was the Trump Card. The military has the evidence now.
Under military code to remove the false government and restore a new legal civilian government under military code 11.3 which triggered when Biden was sworn in today (Post 26: when 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
There was a fear in the McCarthy era that communists could take over our gvmt, so provisions were placed for the military to protect us should that happen. These provisions allow the military to take control while they remove the belligerent gvmt & restore a legal civilian gvmt.
Literally, the military was put in place as the last line of defense of the Constitution, should an illegal government be installed.
This is why they didn't send a government plane for the President-Elect - because they know he is not a legitimate President.
Once Biden was sworn in, the government became illegitimate (belligerent), and the military is now responsible for restoring legitimate civilian government (otherwise foreign powers will gain control - see point 1 above).
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