Ok fam, buckle up, it's Pepe Thread Time.
1. I grew up in the 1980's and early 90's. I can recall the last of the great times before the globohomo establishment uniparty ripped this great nation apart and sold it off like a jogger with a Benz at a chop shop.
2. In my hometown, we had two major manufacturing plants. They provided a good salary and created a solid white working middle class. The surrounding areas were all farmland, and us kids had opportunity to learn a work ethic in the summer by going to these farms to work.
3. I worked the farms (detasseling), had security gigs, ran a lawn care business, and a had a paper route all in high school. Other kids worked the fast food joints, retail gigs, or had their own little enterprises like mine.
4. We learned the work ethic to get ahead, and our parents earned a decent wage, decent enough to be able to get married and raise a family.
5. Then, the Cold War ended. What held the uniparty together and prevented a Neo-Stalinist Left or over-grifting in Washington from occurring was over with.

For better or worse, the fear if the Soviet Union stopped us from going too far left or unpatriotically grifting.
6. The moment the Cold War ended, these globohomo uniparty establishment bastards decided to plunder and pillage the United States. First things they did were to create NAFTA and the WTO.
7. Within two years of NAFTA's passage, all the working class manufacturing was in Mexico. One company kept their R&D in my hometown, but within a decade, they were doing the R&D in Juarez.
8. So, no jobs to pay for quality goods, and with China flooding the market with cheap ass shit, and that's all the former middle class could afford, the big corporate retailers won and small business died.
9. But hey, teach your kids high tech skills like computer programming. I know many who did, but they wasted their money because their jobs are being done by the Magic Tiger and all of his entourage courtesy of the H1B Visa.

Mike Tyson's Punchout Reference
10. So hey, get a job in the new service sector. Well, kids can't work at fast food places because illegals work there, and educated adults have to compete with illegals for minimum wage because those are the only jobs left and corporations need to pay as little as possible.
11. No worries. The old white working class still has vue to our pharmaceutical companies. Massive value.
12. Big pharma will get those down and out hooked on opoids, make a mint off Medicaid, kill off "white trash", and never serve a day in jail for their genocide.
13. Listen up, and listen up good. Today was a bad day. We're going to have plenty of bad days ahead. We're also going to have some good days
14. @realDonaldTrump is just one man, and he deserves lots of credit for literally being a one man barricade between us and the onslaught of the globohomo uniparty establishment.
15. At the end of the day, their spears and arrows were too much for even @realDonaldTrump, but Trump exposed the whole system for the fraud it is.
16. Let's be clear:





Trump exposed all of this.
17. Where we go from here is now left up to all of us, but we all saw the images of Pedo Joe & Da Ho being sworn in.
18. The only way the demented pedophile could get an audience was to force the military to protect him from us peons.
19. Make no mistake, this government has zero legitimacy. The ball is now in our court. They want us broke and dead. They want our kids brainwashed and raped.

20. So people, it's time to get up off the mat. Stop insulting each other. We need each other.
21. Our boomers need to teach our young the ways of the past. Our Q Anon peeps need to redirect that weaponized autism into something real.
22. There was a time when we were a proud people, before the establishment got rich selling off our jobs to foreign countries, our land to illegals, and our bodies and souls to big pharma. If you want to reclaim your heritage, then you've got to fight for it.
23. The establishment is shitting it's pants right now. We've got them on the run, not the other way around. They activated 65k Guard for the inauguration.
24. The establishment has more troops in DC now than they do in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. They're scared, but what do you have to lose? Whatever you got, they'll find a way to take it from you and profit by doing it.
26. So, we're now an occupied territory. Is that going to stop us from winning?

Pepe out.
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