Which also makes the next 50 years interesting. The battle hasn't even been joined. If conservatism was ever re-imagined as a functional political idea, and not just remembrances of Bill Buckley's sweaters, there would be "a choice, not an echo" https://twitter.com/JesseKellyDC/status/1351915327433695233
The mission can not be merely to conserve, but to actively offer a values system and a theory on where politics fits in that values system. Conservatism of the future should speak to the soul at such a level that the ballot box is a mere formality.
The conservatism of the future would act. Not react. It would drive hard bargains with the world, not seek consensus. It would seek rollback, not containment.
As a Michigan fan, I know what it's like when one team wants to play well that day, and the other team wants to knock your head off. You want Ohio State energy, not Michigan staleness.
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