#Ammteasers I had a request for a thread and I want to point out that overall, y'all wrote some slamdunk QUERIES, so you might not need this.
Also, I'd love it if other #AuthorMentorMatch mentors want to share their queries that found them agents/book deals?
#Ammteasers The purpose of the query is to hook a reader into wanting to crack open your pages. It's awesome if you can add voice, as long as you don't write it in the POV of a character. I like to use words that do double duty & sound like my MC would use them
#Ammteasers You can put your metadata paragraph up top, but I prefer it after I'm hooked by the premise. Unless an agent/editor states their preference, it's up to you, but if you have an elevator pitch--that would be best up top w/metadata after the body of the query
#Ammteasers I write romance, so there are often 2 POVs, but if you have other genres w/2, do the same, OR use P1 for your MC and P2 for the antagonist. However it shakes out. For my purposes, I am using the dual POV romance variety query
#Ammteasers The body of your query is usually broken into 3 paragraphs for the "blurb/mini synopsis" (NO ENDING) & 2 more: one for meta-data, one for your bio. So, altogether 5 works well. 250-350 words TOTAL

Hint: Don't editorialize (ie: tell the agent how they'll feel)
Para 1:
Introduce MC & allude to GOALS & current situation (you can hint at emotional wound or backstory as a way to center them in their world)
Don't get lost in backstory--so many writers do this, and unless it is vital to the story, you can leave it out.
Para 2: Intro antagonist/romantic counterpart/other POV
It's great if you can show their goals in a way that highlight/contrast w/ the 1st POV's goals.
I think of how I can show the 2 POV's colliding/meshing/causing static
Para 3: What happens when the goals in Para 1 run up against the goals in Para 2? What are the STAKES?
Don't be vague
Don't hold back
Be specific
Para 4: (For me) metadata (round word count up to nearest 1000th), give precise genre--where will it be shelved? Add comps (usually w/in 3 years & don't worry about perfect matches--think themes, voice, time period and explain that in your query)
Para 5: Bio.
Ok, IF you have writing chops, add here. If you don't, that's fine--give a teeny hint of who you are as a person.
DO NOT EXPOUND UPON why the agent/editor will LOVE your work, or why you wrote it etc. If they love the story, they can ask later.
#AMMTeasers Remember: the goal of the query is to generate interest in your story, so choose specifics, not sentences that are cliched or vague because that's DULL. Pack a punch, use specific verbs that mean something, polish your words. You have very few to snag someone!
#Ammteasers There are a million resources out there, but honestly, for me, reading queries that worked was helpful. Read the entire query shark archives and you'll be ready to go!
Just remember: it is about your story, not you. Don't weigh it down w/extras! (Here's 1 more)
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