I am... conflicted over the pain in MAGA/Q circles.

On one hand a lot of well-meaning people were misled and exploited by grifters.

But also a whole spectrum of people willingly bought into the grift because they wanted what it promised: murdering liberals.
Like, on a certain level I feel bad for all the tearful MAGAs who are adrift today because they feel lied to, betrayed, and used.

Because they were used.

But also, like, what they thought they were going to get out of the deal is still bad. Details matter.
And it's a gargantuan problem to grapple with because it's not neatly bounded. This woman wasn't a blank slate that popped into existence 4 years ago and stumbled into a MAGA rally. She, as we all are, is the product of complex, generation social forces. https://twitter.com/MysterySolvent/status/1351965595760259076?s=20
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