Normally I tweet my dumb thoughts or things I do because I like to laugh at myself. But I’m upset, so here we go.

It’s really, really, really not hard to treat women in sports with respect. And if you feel like that’s a polarizing statement, you are the problem: a thread
Growing up I was a Jets fan. I vividly remember the abhorrent situation that @jennifersterger had to endure. As a glass half full college female pursuing a career in sports, surely that had to be an isolated incident right? It wasn’t.
I feel incredibly fortunate to work for people that do not stand for the mistreatment of women. One time a man called me a c*nt (for doing my job) & my boss went full on Connor McGregor at a weigh in.

I feel protected at work. But why does that even have to be a thought?
During one of my first few years in MiLB I was described by a then-MLB team employee as “just another girl for the players to f*ck”. Is that what people thought of me when they saw me? That’s something I think about every single day, to this day.
I was wearing an old t-shirt & gym shorts that day (working on stadium seats), & it has directly impacted how I dress at work. Don’t want to seem too easy right? Neckline shirts only.

If you’re a man reading this: when was the last time you thought about what you wore?
Every season I have a tally of: 1. The times I’m asked if I’m an intern or cheerleader 2. If I’m dating any of the players 3. If I “know anything about the game”

and my personal favorite...
4. The amount of times I’m standing next to a male counterpart and someone approaches assuming the male is the clear supervisor in the situation.

Time to tally up the scantron, folks: 1. I’m not 2. I never have 3. A lot 4. Every single time
Once I was offered a job within 5 minutes of meeting another professional within the industry. What? How could you possibly know I was a decent employee in 5 minutes? Oh that’s right you didn’t, you just dole out jobs because you’re in a position of power. Sick bro 🤙
I’ve spent the last two days trying to count the times I’ve been called a bitch/standoffish/abrasive for shutting down an unwanted advance from someone in a professional setting. I don’t have enough hands. I’d ask a sis to lend me one BUT THEY’RE FRESH OUT TOO.
I’ve been the girl that has brushed it off. I’ve been the girl that laughed it off. Allow me to enlighten: it doesn’t work

But I, like most, feared retribution. So we brush and we laugh.
I see a lot of men asking what can be done to help. I see you and I appreciate you. So here’s what you can do:

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