🌈✨The Rainbow Bridge: What is it, and how do I get there?✨🌈

🕯A thread🕯
TW: we talk about Death here! I also want to make a note its okay not to believe in this. This is just an informative thread based on DMs and questions I’ve gotten in the past! If it doesn’t resonate, let it go!💌
The Rainbow Bridge is a term first truly coined in a poetry by owners who were suffering from Grief due to their Pets’ death and passing. The poems describe the bridge as the crossover between life and death, and where all the good, innocent souls (such as those of pets) go.
The poem reads:

“There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of hills, meadows and valleys with lush green grass. When a pet dies, they go to this place.”
The Rainbow Bridge is not strictly aligned with on religion. It can apply to many practices, but today I will be discussing what this means to me and my practice as a Witch in conjunction with my Deity, Green Man.
So how do I incorporate this idea of the Rainbow Bridge into my practice, with readings and advice if the poem is mainly about Pets?
A lot of this information I am about to discuss can be found in my Oracle Decks and Books, and is where I get most of this info.
The ‘rainbow bridge’ is a term for the channel of light that moves through your chakra system and along your spine, allowing Spirit to enter your body and stimulate the development of your soul. This bridge comes to life as your consciousness is raised.
It draws in higher energies that nourish and awaken your body, mind and soul through your chakra system. As your chakras become stimulated by the increasing influx of spiritual light, a clearing process begins which supports the consequent expansion of your consciousness.
This clearing is like a spiritual detoxification. It clears blocks from your mind, emotional body and physical body, as well as from your soul (such as unresolved past life issues).
This creates room for an increase of spiritual light. As a result, you feel clearer about who you are and why you are here and others see more clearly when they are in your field. You become more powerful.
It can also mean the liter Rainbow Bridge of crossing over into the afterlife and reconnecting with your Soul Tribe in the afterlife (my ear was RINGING when i typed this woah) and its something i like to believe will happen to me when I pass over.
All in all, the Rainbow Bridge is about opening up a new level of consciousness. So for me personally, it doesn’t have anything to do with the passing of Pets, but rather the lifting up of Spiritual Energy and Consciousness.
I hope this helped understand what I mean by saying “The Rainbow Bridge!” It’s definitely something i truly believe in and incorporate into my practice. 🌈✨💌
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