White supremacy/anti-Black & Indigenous racism is not “a disagreement.”

People framing the division in the country—which is fundamentally about racism & white colonialism—as though it’s just a minor disagreement over the tax rate is why this talk of “unity” rings hollow.
To describe the central conflict of the USA, racism, as though it’s a mere “disagreement” is to imply there’s a reasonable argument in white supremacy & room for compromise in the humanity & citizenship of non-white people.
There is no way forward without confronting whiteness— how it came to be a sociopolitical construct here, how it resulted in the Civil War, Jim Crow, the Trump era & the insurrection that occurred two weeks ago. The only path toward “unity” is one that dismantles white supremacy.
We can’t integrate into a white supremacist system. A sprinkling of representation from marginalized identities within a power structure that remains overwhelmingly white & which primarily serves the interests of the white & wealthy is not evidence that we can.
There’s no way to unify with white supremacists without sacrificing the interests of non-white people. Multiracial democracy & white supremacy are diametrically opposed ideas. We can be one or the other, but not both. That’s the central, violent conflict that remains.
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