alright, I'm gonna say it. Leaving comments on completed works, both on ao3 and threadfics, that are along the lines of: "Sequel!!!" "NEED SEQUEL!" "Ok but there has to be a sequel" "SEQUEL WHEN" etc etc.

Is Rude.

As writers we've already given the reader a story. (1/5)
Asking for more story from a writer, is asking them to work for free. And yes, fanfics are free, that isn't the point. The point is that writers write things for ourselves, and share it, cool. The story ends there, if there was more to the story, there would be more words. (2/5)
If you really really love a fic to the point where you would like more of it, browse similar tags. But!!! BUT! your COMMENT, should should how much you loved a fic, rather than be a demand for an author to do more. Bc they don't come across as compliments, they don't. (3/4)
So here am I, a writer, telling you, to consider leaving more uplifting, heartfelt comments on the content you consume, and not to demand more emotional and physical labor from those who have already given you a story. (4/5)
And if this is not universal, cool, but I know a lot of other writers who feel this way. So yeah, don't demand things from content creators, even in jest, it's not cool, and makes us feel like what we've already put out isn't complete/enough. *tips hat* Leave better comments!(5)
Just to add on b4 anyone gets sad, making these comments w/o realizing how a writer may feel about them is FINE, just take note, and don't repeat the action! it's quite a simple thing really.
also "I would love more of this" added on after a heartfelt comment, A+

nothing else in your comment besides: "SEQUEEEELLLLLL!?!!!?!!" is not a good comment.
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